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About these web pages

Responsible for the content of these pages dedicated to Soma Morgenstern (and his friends): Georg B. Deutsch. Text G.B.D. unless specifically mentioned otherwise.

About the author: Georg B. Deutsch, born 1953 in Vienna. Since about 2000 occupied with Soma Morngenstern, his friends and Austrain literature in exile. List of publications



These pages would not have been possible without the help of others. For the valuable contributions, corrections, hints, licences I owe my thank to :  

Daniel Abraham (2012, 2024 - USA), Evelyn Adunka (since 2004 - Vienna), Akademie der Künste (2017 - Berlin), Ann H. Appelbaum - The Jewish Theological Seminary of America (2013 - New York), Renate Arslan-Cleve (2012 - Vienna), Sylvia Asmus - Deutsches Exilarchiv (2005-2012 - Frankfurt am Main), Luis Miguel Correia (2012 - Lisbon), Dokumentationsarchiv des Oesterreichischen Widerstandes DOEW (2017 - Wien), Nadim El Helw (2013 - Cairo), Jörn Esch - Leo Baeck Institute  (2012 - New York), Kata Gellen (2023 - Durham, NC, USA, Malachi Haim Hacohen (2023 - Durham, NC, USA, (Leonore Handl (2017 - Wien), André Heller (2002 - Vienna), Michael Henke - Leonhard Frank Gesellschaft (2012 - Berlin), Misha Horenstein (2011/2012 - USA), Konstantin Kaiser -Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft (since 2004 - Vienna), Eve und Friedel Katz (2012 - Bethesda, MD, USA), Raphaela Kitzmantel (2011-2014 -  Vienna), Lotte Klemperer (2002 - Zurich), Monica Lester (2002 - Wien), Heinz Lunzer  (2011 - Vienna), Martina Mehler - Institut für deutsche Kultur und Geschichte Südosteuropas (2012 - Munich), Dan  Morgenstern (2011-2024 - New York), Josh Morgenstern (2019 - USA), Sir Gustav Nossal (2011/2012 - Melbourne, Australia), Halyna Petrosaniak (2017 - Hofstetten, Switzerland), Helmut Portele - Wiener Tramwaymuseum (2001 - Vienna), Claudine Raboin (2017 - Paris(, Angelika Rohrbacher (2012 - Vienna), Thomas Schneider - Erich Maria Remarque-Friedenszentrum (2012 - Osnabrück), Ingolf  Schulte (2000-2002 - Lüneburg, Germany), Helmut Schwarzer (2012, 2019m 2024 - Newbury, NH, USA), Edward Serotta (2024 - Vienna), Maria Sierocka (2013 – ARCHIWUM G?ÓWNE AKT DAWNYCH Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw), Josef Smolen (2021 - Vienna), Harald Stockhammer (since 2011 -  Innsbruck), Simon Usaty (2012 - Vienna), Peter Voswinckel (2018 - Berlin), Pamela Weisberger - Gesher Galicia (2014 - Los Angeles), .Bernhard Wenning - Kriegsarchiv Wien  [Military archive, Vienna]  (2014), Manfred Winkler (2012 -  Zor Hadasa, Israel), Eva Wosobe - Jüdisches Museum Vienna (2012).


This site exists since November 2011 and is constantly expanded. 

Proposals for additions, corrections, hints or other remarks about this site are very welcome.

Georg B. Deutsch


© photos, scans by default: Dan Morgenstern, New York  / Exile Archive,  Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt /Main;  © graphics: Georg B. Deutsch

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